Sean Jaeger
Hey, I'm Sean. A start-up focused software engineer.

I'm a Front End developer and with significant experience working in early-stage start up companies.

I'm passionate about product development and computer science, currently competing actively as a competitive programmer in my spare time.

About Me

Hi, I'm Sean.

I've had a very non-traditional path into Software Engineering, having taught myself JavaScript online whilst taking my A levels, landing my first full time role and opting to take that instead of attending university.

I've always maintained an extremely pragmatic approach to solving business problems with well designed code.

Since my first two years of professional experience, I have taken a hiatus from my professional career and taken the time to learn the theory behind my work deeply. This involved self-teaching Computer Science topics, including but not limited to: Data Structures & Algorithms, Systems Design and Front End technologies.

Outside of tech, I have an eclectic mix of interests, from traveling the world as a Digital Nomad, to competing in Mixed Martial Arts to Chess.

I'm deeply passionate about tackling big problems in all fields and love to jump in head first to new challenges.

My Work

Human Lambdas
Human Lambdas App Screenshot

After joining Human Lambdas (Seedcamp backed) as a founding engineer at 18, I worked full stack on both the TypeScript React web app and Django Back End creating Human In The Loop infrastructure for reliable and scalable data labelling.

Working within a start-up of four, I wore many hats and made various contributions to everything from UI/UX to broader discussions about company strategy, whilst receiving mentorship from my colleagues.

This work experience has served as the cornerstone of my development approach, having learned to focus on rapid iteration, quality, and resourcefulness.

Competitive Programming
Competitive Programming Profile Screenshot

As part of my studies of Computer Science, I have put my knowledge into practice by competing in timed competitive programming competitions using Python.

These competitions involve four questions of increasing difficulty, where a sufficiently asymptotically efficient solution is required for all test cases to pass.

I've experienced great success in these competitions, achieving a top 4% global ranking out of ~400,000 total participants. In my most recent competition, I placed in the top ~0.8% of a competition with over 17,000 global participants.

Despite not being professional experience, I have found this to be one of the most fruitful periods of my career. Coming back to development and suddenly understanding many concepts that were previously a mystery to me as well as being able to pick up new technologies with ease was an incredible experience and felt like a great leap forward in terms of my skill as an engineer.